Social nets are a very common way of communication nowadays. Social nets are very popular among people all ages. There are millions of them and there's a wide variety. But, as all things related to Inthernet it has its advantatges and disadvantatges.

Some of the multiple advantatges os social nets is that it's a way to meet new people, to join with friends you haven't seen for a while, or just live far away from you. It's a way to communicate and socialize with people all around the world and to show your personality to people, uploading photos, videos and writings you like and letting your friends give their opinion.
Athough it has many good things it also has many other bad things. The main disadvantatge is that Inthernet in some way is dangerous. It's dangerous because it doesn't have all the privacy it should have and in the case of social nets even more. In a social net you upload photos, videos and people can see you and meet you, and that's why it could be considered dangerous. The majority of people who are part of a social net such as: Facebook, Tuenti, Twitter, MySpace and many more, don't have any type of problems with his or her privacy in their personal net, but it's true there's another part, that is a minority, that have had many problems, like people stealing their photos to modificate them and upload them in another page, or things like that.

In my opinion, social nets are very useful and have many positive things, as a matter of fact, I belong to a social net; Tuenti, and I really like but I also think you have to be careful with things you upload, and first of all, you have to be conscious when you manage with Inthernet, and know there's a posibility of risk.
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